Turbina SWT-2.3-120 de Siemens
Medio Ambiente

EEBatt project: Local storage for renewable energy

Transmission losses and fluctuations in electric power grids can be reduced when renewable energy is stored locally. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Kraftwerke Haag GmbH, VARTA Storage GmbH and the Bavarian Center […]

Medio Ambiente

DNV GL launches PhD Award in Renewable Energy

DNV GL launches 2016 PhD Award in Renewable Energy. DNV GL, the world’s largest resource of independent energy experts and certification body, is offering PhD students from across the globe the chance to enter the […]

Philibert energy

3 Reasons Why Renewable energy Is so important

Renewable energy is a critical part of reducing global carbon emissions and the pace of investment has greatly increased as the cost of technologies fall and efficiency continues to rise. In fact, global investment in […]